Legal Transition Execution: Bill of Rights and Public Notification


This document corresponds to a Declaration of Rights and Public Notification, permanently valid as evidence of self-determined execution that can be used by its Author and Beneficiary as a resource of legal value in his favor, in the scenarios, events, instances, procedures, and processes considered for his purposes, according to his decisions and criteria, to achieve the full application of their legitimate, unlimited, imprescriptible, inalienable and inviolable rights.

The statement expressed here is supported by facts and documents processed and protected, that are evidence and cause for this act to be respected and recognized as a legitimate declaration and self-determined execution of individual rights, protected by the Supreme Natural Law.

The Legal Framework that supports this action is configured at a level much higher than the legal system applied through the mechanisms and instruments of the legally-extinct corporation REPÚBLICA DEL ECUADOR et idem sonans, or any other institution or organization subject to the state government system or corporate law system.

Any unjustified act of retaliation, through direct or indirect action, inaction or omission, that is applied using impositions of any type, generated from the aforementioned legal or government systems, or promoted by any of their agents or officials, at any level of responsibility in which it is carried out, is considered a dishonest, dishonorable act, with intention to harm, immoral, illegitimate, illegal, and consequently will be considered a substantial crime from the public notification of this framework of Legal Self-Determination.

Any attempt at censorship, intimidation, or any other unfair action that attempts to discredit this process, or that attempts against the application of the rights demanded and expressed by its Author, will be duly documented to proceed with the pertinent legal actions, before the competent legal authorities that are up to the task of supporting or defending this process and may consider the scope of the International Courts if the case warrants it.

Safeguarding the verifiable legitimacy of this process, underway since Tuesday, February 22, 2022, its validity must be considered a de facto law along with its application according to the conditions established in its content and structure and made official. from its public distribution through any physical or digital medium, and therefore any act in response that threatens the integrity of this process of Legal Self-Determination is flatly invalidated.

Given the facts in Self-determination, this act and its implementation must be recognized and respected by and from all state and corporate bodies, on a national and international scale.

This document can be used to strengthen and ensure the immediate application of this jurisdictional model, through various mechanisms and legal instruments estimated by the Author as support for its implementation, to materialize the legitimate conditions established in this legal structure, adopted by the Author. in its legal, business and commercial actions, and verifying that its recognition and application with global reach is guaranteed.


This Bill of Rights and Public Notification is linked to the Legal Self-Determination process initiated by Mauro Rojas in February 2022.

Mauro Rojas, a man born alive in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador, America), establishes with this process a New Order in the full use and application of his rights, a legitimate order due to its real usefulness, and pursues the protection of all documents, instruments, resource, registry, or asset, contemplated in favor of your interests as a component integrated into your Intellectual and Industrial Property under your own Domain and Regulation.

This document adds value to the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION, giving way to its full, active, permanent, and self-sovereign functionality.

Mauro Rojas, creator and developer of this legal and business system, and therefore Authority thereof, exercises his full powers consecrated by his legal status as a living, legally self-determined, and free man, acting in honor and full and unlimited responsibility.

PRESENTATION [made by Mauro Rojas]

I, Mauro Rojas, Creator and Authority of this Self-determination Legal Act, give way and full effectiveness to this LEGAL TRANSITION EXECUTION.

Supported by my legal status in self-determination, I have decided to publicly and openly notify this process, formally sharing it throughout my permanent presence in the digital space, transmitting it through documents, text, images, and video, ensuring its permanent and accessible existence by public record that attests to this legitimate act and thus guarantees its full recognition given its veracity.

This document grants me automatic ownership in the privileged handling of this information as its original source, and in this way invalidate any attempt at manipulation, malicious treatment or any other unfair act that seeks to discredit this procedure, therefore, I use this resource as an instrument of legal value to protect this act of Legal Self-Determination.

This act supports and grants integral legal value to the initiative of construction, development and operation of the system of law that I have created and called AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION, which has legal autonomy and business self-sovereignty, developed and managed by my Authority through my self-sovereign initiative, consolidated by my own fully informed decision, ensuring that its effective application with global reach is validated and guaranteed.

01. Background

To support the legitimacy, truthfully, lawfully, and authenticity of this juridical Self-determination act, Mauro Rojas determines the following facts as antecedents of moral, legal, social, and economic value:

  • The Legal Seizure on the Global Corporate System;
  • The Legal Extinction of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR CORPORATION;
  • Executed, materialized, and verifiable Self-Determination, done by Mauro Rojas;
  • Self-sovereign application of Natural Law and Positive Law;
  • Article 98 of the Constitution of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR;
  • Dominion and ownership of official and registered documents;
  • Dominion and establishment of Mauro Rojas' presence in the global digital multi-dimension;
  • Current situation in Ecuador and the World.


    Governments and/or state entities have long operated as corporate entities based in the United States of America, registered as private law entities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    Thanks to a series of documents deposited following the Trade Law, the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC), the only form of law still in force, THE SEIZURE OF THE ENTIRE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM was publicly announced on Tuesday, December 25th 2012, causing the legal extinction of CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS. This was done through The One People's Public Trust 1776, known as OPPT.

    The government of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR is a corporate entity integrated into said system, called ECUADOR CAPITAL CORP, also registered with the SEC, in Washington DC, United States of America.

    Because the government of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR is controlled and administered by said corporate government system, it has also been LEGALLY SIEZED, and therefore, completely devoid of any kind of validity.


    According to the documents presented in the self-determination process materialized by Mauro Rojas, carried out between February and May 2022, where it is determined that:

    It is null, void or in any case annulled any and all CONSTITUTIVE ACTS, including those of the supposed government of the private law Corporation REPÚBLICA DE ECUADOR et idem sonans, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Washington D.C. such as ECUADOR CAPITAL CORP (...), REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR (...), Gobierno de la República del Ecuador Company (...), including any and all its abbreviations, legal forms included, but not limited to all those forms of law also known as the Civil Code, the Penal Code, Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Traffic Code et al., financial and managerial/administrative and included and provided for in it; each and every one of the BELONGING OFFICES, including each and every one of the OFFICIALS, including PUBLIC OFFICIALS, all Law Enforcement Forces, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEES, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES (...), and all and each of the contracts and agreements (...), PROHIBITIONS or AUTHORIZATIONS that should have intervened or intervened in the derivation of these.”;

    It is firmly established that the government of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR does not have legal validity. Therefore, continuing to maintain its operation is immoral, fraudulent, and illegal.

    The officials or agents of the Government of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR, as well as those in the various government agencies, public companies, and all types of corporate entities integrated into said government system, were fully notified about the FORCLOSURE on said government system and its institutions, laws, and procedures, through formalized written notification and distributed directly to their institutional and/or personal emails, in various sending stages during 2022.


    In a process that began on Tuesday, February 22, and extended until May 13, 2022, Mauro Rojas proceeded with the execution of his Legal Self-Determination, using the OPPT documents and sending notifications, attaching said documents, to institutional and personal emails of around five hundred (500) officials of various ranks in the government institutions of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR, provincial governments, municipalities, ministries, institutions of the educational system, banking system, etc.

    Under this procedure, supported by the UCC or Uniform Commercial Code, being the only norm of International Law in force, in said notifications the 1-103 section of the same code is invoked to emphasize that THE NOTIFICATION TO THE PRINCIPAL IS THE NOTIFICATION TO THE AGENT, THE NOTIFICATION TO THE AGENT IS THE NOTIFICATION TO THE PRINCIPAL, so that any man or woman performing functions in any position/role/office, in a managerial or subordinate position, who has received these Notifications of Self-Determination, SHOULD HAVE INFORMED ABOUT THIS PUBLIC INTEREST SITUATION to all parties involved in the government system of the REPÚBLICA DEL ECUADOR CORPORATION et idem sonans and to the general public, respecting and adhering to the transparency of this process through established justice, publicly expressing to the citizens about its validity.

    There is no way that this fact can be denied or invalidated, considering that Mauro Rojas maintains the evidence that attests that this process was carried out, in addition to having the support of witnesses who know and understand the legality of this process, or who also have already done the same process.

    The OPPT documents have already been valued by men and women around the world, it is not a very recent novelty, their execution has already been validated, which has been applied on a diverse scale.


    Having highlighted that the only norm of International Law in force is the UNIFORM COMMERCE CODE, and prioritizing his legal status as a self-determined living man, Mauro Rojas reserves the full power to protect his scope of action in Natural Law, and in absolute self-sovereignty, applying the Positive Law to reinforce and protect his Fundamental Rights, building his own legal framework of self-sovereignty, with the unique opportunity to propose and establish a NEW MODEL OF LEGAL ORDER WITH WORLDWIDE REACH, and in this way also contributing to the development of other initiatives of self-determination.


    According to the Constitution of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR, in article 98:

    Individuals and groups may exercise the right to resist actions or omissions of public power or non-state natural or legal persons that violate or may violate their constitutional rights, and demand the recognition of new rights.

    As a self-determined living man, and with a full conscience to apply Positive Law, Mauro Rojas exercises his legitimate and unlimited rights to EFFECTIVE and CAPITALIZE the aforementioned article, estimating the high value that the statement “DEMAND THE RECOGNITION OF NEW RIGHTS”, with which said article closes, grants his purpose of Legal Self-determination, in order to strengthen the execution of this process.


    In the documentation included in the notifications sent during the Legal Self-Determination process that Mauro Rojas carried out between February and May 2022, he clearly establishes that the intellectual property of his LEGAL FICTION, as well as the IDENTIFICATION NUMBER linked to it, remains entirely adhered to his absolute domain.

    Mauro Rojas allows himself the decision to add that, in full exercise of his full powers as a self-determined living man, he establishes that all documents, records, accounts, goods, digital and conventional assets, and in general ASSETS, material and immaterial, linked to the LEGAL FICTION about which he has absolute property, they remain automatically and permanently under his domain and irrefutable ownership, and the total and unlimited use of the same as the sole beneficiary must be guaranteed in his entire favor.

    This background reinforces his decision to integrate into this document the guidelines that he will apply to validate and exercise unlimited functionality of these instruments based on the conditions established in this Legal Act.


    Applying various actions, Mauro Rojas began taking absolute control of his digital presence, informing this act through publications shared in the profiles that he has created through various digital platforms to manage his total presence on the Internet, both in the exercise of his individual presence and in the management of trademarks under his ownership and control, to safeguard the exercise of his fundamental and unlimited rights in the global digital multidimensional space, acting in honor.

    Mauro Rojas started these notifications on Wednesday, December 21th 2022, it is a process that continues and is linked to his self-regulation framework published on his official website.


    The current situation, both in Ecuador and the rest of the world, shows a disproportionate crisis of values.

    Governments increasingly demonstrate their evident ineffectiveness, avoiding giving efficient treatment to conflicts, and sometimes inciting them through irresponsible or corrupt acts committed from their structure, generally foisting direct or indirect guilt/responsibility on the inhabitants, while It insinuates the rigorous fulfillment of certain obligations without prior individual consent, under the guise of laws that fancifully ensure a supposed good life to banally show off “the security of the State”; a frenetic escalation of irresponsible, illegitimate and criminal acts under the modality of modern slavery using the trap of “socially accepted” institutional control, manipulating a structure that functions in chaos, attributing supposed powers that it really does not have, wasting resources produced by citizens to maintain a state of propaganda that is not required to meet the fundamental requirements of the people, among other types of immoral use of resources, resources that are not produced by officials who are responsible for serving the public, thus attacking the moral quality of society and endangering the security and well-being of individuals, who are the ones who really play the driving force that has maintained state institutions for too long.

    The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) marked a new beginning at the end of 2012 as an opportunity to put things in order, a bridge towards the construction of new paradigms that sustain human relations in transparency, balance, respect, harmony, protection, and responsibility.

    However, this process has not been respected despite its veracity and enormous legal weight, and once again it is demonstrated that there is not the slightest interest in exercising a fair and honest transformation from the public sector bodies, whose officials, through their contractual relationship in public service, they should adhere to the commitment and honesty that their work demands to exercise a fair and organic transition.

    The escalation of corruption and criminal acts carried out by public sector institutions has reached levels that surpass impudence and shame. It is not even necessary to delve into specific facts, it is enough for each man or woman to exercise their due individual responsibility, investigating to self-inform and establish critical judgment about the situation of our time in various areas of social and political experience, both in Ecuador and in the rest of the world.

    The background is established, emphasizing the Legal Foreclosure situation in which the government of the REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR is placed, which consequently LACKS ANY KIND OF LEGAL, POLITICAL, SOCIAL, or ECONOMIC POWER (...) and in summary, all types of power linked to its system of government remain extinct.

    Trying to use its legal structure to impose any kind of law that violates the exercise of the fundamental and inalienable rights of the living individual constitutes, therefore, a fraudulent action and a crime of HIGH TREASON against each individual and against civil security in general.

    Based on the facts presented, Mauro Rojas, in the exercise of his full powers as a living, responsibly informed, free, and legally self-determined, living man, proclaiming the LEGAL EXTINCTION OF THE RULE OF LAW IMPOSED FROM THE GOVERNMENT SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR CORPORATION. The validation of at least one of the eight points determined as background gives absolute moral, legal, and economic value and total usefulness to this act.

    As a consequence, Mauro Rojas decrees that no type of rule is valid of any kind to establish conditions for the legitimate and full exercise of his fundamental individual rights. Indeed, given the quality of his legal status, this decree must be applied to ANY CORPORATE GOVERNMENT SYSTEM on Earth, permanently and eternally.

    Having demonstrated that Mauro Rojas has sufficient causes that legitimately support his actions, acting in Honor, integral responsibility, and full powers from his legal status in self-determination, Mauro Rojas gives way to the EXECUTION of this LEGAL TRANSITION that grants full validity and usefulness to the development and implementation of the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION that he has created, for its legitimate, effective and capitalizable application at a global scale.

    02. Clarity in language

    To understand the enormous usefulness and opportunity of this development, it is necessary to begin using words with the clarity they deserve, treating the concepts as they are, highlighting substantial attributes, and in total transparency, abolishing any kind of vague, unconscious, vicious or malicious interpretation, or plagued by inconsistency or ignorance. In this document, Mauro Rojas refers to the approach applied to the essential treatment of concepts, thus strengthening his autonomous exercise of rights.

    The starting point involves establishing the radical differences between the concepts of NATURAL PERSON and Human Being, which, although it is intended to mix them as a single issue, is a FUNDAMENTAL CAUSE to stop any attempt to impose that these terms be assumed as the same thing.

    A Human Being is a living individual, thinking man or woman, with the capacity to develop formed criteria and make decisions autonomously, with the capacity to observe, analyze, establish critical judgment, and determine conditions, protected by the Supreme Natural Law, acting in Harmony and Honor, assuming full and unlimited individual responsibility, and of course, respecting the rights of other individuals.

    A human being is an individual who exercises life with full rights and self-sovereign power, which are not granted by external bodies, institutions, or any legal fiction but are rights acquired by proving that he or she is alive, and these rights are absolute: legitimate, unlimited, imprescriptible, inalienable and inviolable.

    On the contrary, a NATURAL PERSON is a legal fiction that is called that way to establish a link between a living individual and a CONTROL-STATE INSTITUTION, so that the apparent power of the CONTROL-STATE INSTITUTION can be leveraged from the real power, a primigenial value essentially generated by the living individual.

    This LEGAL FICTION is assigned to the newborn by applying its name in CAPITAL LETTERS and generating an identity number, leaving that living being tied to a contract, subject to fulfilling obligations that are unfairly promoted through the figure “RIGHTS AND DUTIES”, under institutional regulations imposed by social control organizations which operations are founded from private CORPORATIONS.

    It should be noted that A CONTRACT MUST BE ESTABLISHED WITH FULL CONSENT, where both parties are fully informed about the conditions established in the contractual relationship; however, this has never been officially and directly clarified to the public or to each individual. In total ignorance, the living individual enters a legal trap. This contractual imposition constitutes a very serious crime of HIGH TREASON against the integrity and security of the living individual.

    Giving the value that really corresponds to each part, applying judgment on what is just and equitable by nature and origin, or IUS NATURALIS, a Human Being is a living individual exercising authority over its existence and establishing its own conditions, while a legal fiction connected with its existence, in this case the NATURAL PERSON, is a CONTRACTUAL ASSET that must be UNDER FULL DOMAIN OF THE INDIVIDUAL to whom it corresponds, the OWNER, AUTHORITY AND FULL BENEFICIARY, over the control of institutional power.

    This LEGAL FICTION, therefore, MUST be under the total ownership and benefit of the individual, not the State, this LEGAL FICTION corresponds to the intellectual and industrial property of the individual.

    There is no intellectual property of the State since the State is an institutional LEGAL FICTION, it is inert, it does not have the autonomous capacity to feel, think, make value judgments, develop intellect, enjoy the autonomous act of life, these are capabilities that can only be experienced and developed by living individuals. Intellectual property only corresponds to a living being that develops its OWN INTELLECT IN AUTONOMY, because it demonstrates full use of its consciousness while it is alive, while its active presence demonstrates that it is living.

    What Mauro Rojas has just highlighted in this document constitutes an absolutely irrefutable fact, given that it does not require permission or signed certification to verify it, it is evidenced in its causes and effects, which gives organic veracity to this approach precisely because of the functions that each part has, therefore, is a statement generated by real experience and instant verification, and does not require being subject to debate, private or public.

    The State, an entity controlled by a corporate government, HAS NO LEGAL VALIDITY and does not have legitimate or original authority; it is inappropriate and unnatural to attribute power to it, and worse still, to cede trust to it so that said entity decides to exercise control or dominion over the intellectual and industrial property of a living individual. Therefore, it constitutes a crime to generate regulations to impose obligations that result in the delegation of the living individual power, interests, security, and destiny, to an institution already in decline and that is cleverly taken advantage of by a few lazy people who take advantage of false powers to take attributions over resources that have not been legitimately generated by them.

    Once the illegality of the apparent authority attributed to the State, its system, procedures, and officials or agents is evident, it is necessary to put legitimate order to all the mechanisms and resources used by the individual to exercise their rights and activities, applying adequate justice and exercising self-sovereign autonomy of their own values, in every possible area.

    This is the moment to put order to the legal trap that constitutes the false power exercised by and from the State, so that everything else can also develop through a new International Natural Order, in real and natural justice.

    Having treated these essential concepts with the required clarity, pointing out their origin, attributes, authenticity, functions, and veracity, Mauro Rojas makes the irrefutable decision to establish autonomous and unlimited legal treatment for all LEGAL FICTIONS, documentation, resources, registrations, assets, ad infinitum, linked to his existence, created by him and/or implemented or constituted under his organic, legal and commercial representation, exercising full powers as a free and self-determined living man, marking the starting point to constitute and implement the System of Law created by him and called AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION or ★ACJ.

    03. Systematic Application

    Once the causes have been recognized and validated in clear terms, Mauro Rojas implements his decision to give value to this process of self-determination in SYSTEMATIC EXECUTION, giving legitimate order to all his activities, and ensuring that all his creations, documents, and records receive the treatment that he establishes by law in Self-sovereignty, exercising full powers as a free and legally self-determined and living man.

    Under these circumstances, the powers of the State and institutions closely related to it, applied through the legal system of the legally extinct corporation REPÚBLICA DEL ECUADOR et idem sonans, occupy a state of LEGAL SUBORDINATION, and as a consequence, all officials and agents exercising position/role/office in and through the said system must abide by the provisions that I, Mauro Rojas, establish in this Declaration of Rights and Public Notification, specified and made official for my exercise of full rights and activities, as well as for the domain, ownership, and regulation of all my securities and assets, controlled in Self-sovereignty from this legal act.

    The conditions established in this process and the entire Legal Act must be followed and its rules applied immediately.

    Any attempt that seeks to discredit, manipulate, delay, or block this process will cause Mauro Rojas to give way to forceful immediate legal actions against each man or woman who intends to violate the legitimate integrity of this Legal Act in self-determination, using the legal mechanisms and instruments that are up to the task, verifying that its protection and full execution are completly guaranteed.

    04. Dominion over Intellectual and Industrial Property, and over securities, contractual instruments, and Digital Presence

    Based on the absolute initiative of Mauro Rojas, making decisions and acting with Full Powers in Legitimate Self-determination and High Honor, it is established that:

    Mauro Rojas is the Authority and the Official Voice in any matter related to his in-person activities anywhere on planet Earth, both in the physical world and in the digital and immaterial dimension or time/space, and over all situations, events, documentation and/or records that are directly linked to or attached to his NATURAL PERSON or LEGAL NAME, his IDENTITY CARD NUMBER, and his PASSPORT number, instruments cataloged and used as contractual assets with copyright, that is, their usefulness and operation are regulated and controlled by Mauro Rojas, Authority that exercises absolute rights using them.

    By having absolute ownership of the copyright of his NATURAL PERSON, IDENTITY CARD NUMBER, AND PASSPORT NUMBER, Mauro Rojas, being the Authority applying regulation to them, from this Legal Act, take Universal Possession on the Intellectual and Industrial Property of these, and also assigning them the material value of ESSENTIAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS, which must remain protected covering all temporal, organizational, territorial, spatial, technological, and multidimensional spheres, applying the same criteria and character to the instruments derived from these, that fulfill a function as a material, printed and/or digital document.

    In this chapter, Mauro Rojas develops a structure of four (4) fundamental groups to guide the operation of the Dominion and Self-Sovereign Property of these assets used by him, for the full and unlimited exercise of his absolute rights.

    ➜ GROUP 1: Substantial Contractual Assets

    Those instruments of value with contractual utility, linked to the full exercise of Mauro Rojas' rights, identified as ESSENTIAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS or in direct connection with them, are considered SUBSTANTIAL CONTRACTUAL ASSETS. Within this category are attached:

    1. BIRTH CERTIFICATE of Mauro Rojas;
    2. NATURAL PERSON, LEGAL NAME, or verbal and written name of Mauro Rojas' NATURAL PERSON;
    3. IDENTITY NUMBER linked to Mauro Rojas' NATURAL PERSON;
    4. IDENTITY CARD linked to my Mauro Rojas' NATURAL PERSON;
    5. PASSPORT, in number and document, linked to Mauro Rojas' NATURAL PERSON;
    6. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE in full composition, linked to Mauro Rojas' NATURAL PERSON and/or the LEGAL PERSONS in his possession;
    7. NATURAL PERSON's RUC, including its registration document that must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS;
    8. BANK ACCOUNTS, DEBIT AND CREDIT CARDS, AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL INSTRUMENTS used in the Financial and Banking System that are linked to the NATURAL PERSON of Mauro Rojas' property, which must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS;
    9. DIGITAL ACCOUNTS used for transactional issues, such as providers like Paypal or Payoneer, that are linked to the NATURAL PERSON of Mauro Rojas' property, which must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS;
    10. Other documents, figures or instruments not contemplated in this first version of this act, but which may be integrated into this regulation in subsequent updates.

    As of this Legal Act, these instruments are unlimited, imprescriptible, non-restrictible, inviolable, indestructible, inalienable, irrefutable, inalienable, not subject to expiration, not subject to any obligation or restriction, fully functional, in STRICT PRIVATE PROPERTY and under FULL DOMINION of Mauro Rojas' Authority.

    The use of these assets is regulated through the legal treatment that Mauro Rojas establishes from this Legal Act, acting with Full Powers as Authority, Owner, and Beneficiary in the use of the same, in matters that concern any activity carried out by him at a national and international level. The treatment that Mauro Rojas decides to consider for these, will be extended under Official Release published on his official channels and also directed to public servants or agents who has responsability in the Organizations that manage their circulation, and from said instances the rules established in this Act must be complied with.

    Progressively, these instruments will have special treatment within the entire scenario formulated in the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION.

    ➜ GROUP 2: Business Management Contractual Assets

    BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONTRACTUAL ASSETS are considered to be those instruments of contractual value that are linked to the full exercise of Mauro Rojas' absolute rights, in direct connection with his SUBSTANTIAL CONTRACTUAL ASSETS, and used to effectuate the formation, constitution, and implementation of business developments, as well as for the execution of all types of transactional, finantial and commercial activities based on and connected to them. Within this category are attached:

    1. LEGAL PERSONS, in their verbal and written name, registered by Mauro Rojas and under his LEGAL REPRESENTATION, integrating all types of documentation regarding their Constituent Acts, which must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS;
    2. RUC of LEGAL PERSONS, including registration documents, which must be permanently in ACTIVE STATUS;
    3. BANK ACCOUNTS, DEBIT AND CREDIT CARDS, AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL INSTRUMENTS in the financial field, linked to each LEGAL PERSON under my ownership, which must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS;
    4. Other documents, figures or instruments not contemplated in this first version of this act, but which may be integrated into this regulation in subsequent updates.

    From this Legal Act, these instruments must remain unlimited, imprescriptible, indestructible, inalienable, irrefutable, inviolable, inalienable, not subject to expiration, not subject to any obligation or restriction, fully functional, in STRICT PRIVATE PROPERTY and in FULL DOMINION of Mauro Rojas' Authority.

    The use of these assets is regulated through the legal treatment that Mauro Rojas establishes from this Legal Act, acting with Full Powers as Authority, Owner, and Beneficiary in the use of the same, in matters that concern any activity carried out by him at a national and international level. The treatment that Mauro Rojas decides to consider for these, will be extended under Official Release published on his official channels, and also directed to the public servants and agents of the Organizations that manage their circulation, and from said instances the rules established in this Act must be complied with.

    Progressively, these instruments will have special treatment within the entire scenario formed in the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION.

    ➜ GROUP 3: Intellectual creations under Industrial Property Dominion of Mauro Rojas in the Self-Sovereignty Regime.

    The following creations are considered ASSETS OF SELF-SOVEREIGN INTELLECTUAL CREATION, inalienable, inviolable, imprescriptible, irrefutable, of unlimited application, and in STRICT PRIVATE PROPERTY:

    1. Trademarks Registered through the SENADI — SECRETARÍA NACIONAL DE DERECHOS INTELECTUALES (NATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS) or any other government agency linked to the WIPO — WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION, which remain under the ownership of Mauro Rojas;

    2. Trademarks and other creations of industrial nature and for commercial use that are NOT registered in SENADI or connected with the WIPO, which are derived from and remain linked to the catalog of assets added to Registered Trademarks under the Authorship, Ownership and Dominion of Mauro Rojas, which have already been published and/or are in use, both in the physical world and in the digital scenario;

    3. Trademarks NOT registered in the WIPO, under the full Authorship of Mauro Rojas, of which he has already carried out an irrefutable use in the market, both in the physical world and in the digital scenario, whose legitimate application can be verified by historical evidence or by the documented record that attests to the authenticity of his creation and development: conceptualization, abstract conception, essence of value, sketches, structure, and by the use of words, graphics, symbolism, philosophy, structure, experimentation, sector of the industry, and/or activities developed that support, protect or strengthen the evidence of its authenticity and the effective use of them by Mauro Rojas;

    4. All types of creation: codes and structures of any type, conceptual constructions, models of any kind, methods, language, philosophical systems, jurisdictional developments, legal fictions, legal figures, symbology systems, certification systems, insignia and all types of graphics, commercial systems, monetary systems and models, legal structures and systems, literary creations, training models, all types of traditional and digital artistic works, all types of visual, sound and audiovisual composition, material and immaterial technology, instruments, characters, all types of systems of mental engineering, ad infinitum, which are generated by Mauro Rojas' authentic authorship, integrating into this group:

    a. those creations that Mauro Rojas has already implemented both in the material world or terrestrial space, and in the digital and immaterial space;
    b. those creations that Mauro Rojas carries the respective historical support regarding its origin, details of its conception, stages of development, and/or evidence of having been implemented for public use, through any kind of material and immaterial application;
    c. those creations of Mauro Rojas whose origin, presence and legitimacy can be verified by their publication and active use through any means of transmission, traditional or digital;
    d. those creations of Mauro Rojas whose origin and originality can be verifiable through the analysis of their technique, style, and spiritual character applied when implementing abstraction, conceptualization, symbology, philosophy, structure, dimensional scales, language, style, creative documentation , method of conception, own experience, purpose, and historical record in circulation, which can support its authenticity in the management of its elements and components;
    e. those creations of Mauro Rojas that, in addition, do not violate the integrity of the rights of other human beings, authors and legitimate creators, whose work can be verified for authenticity, observing evidence regarding records dated when they were put into use. publicly official, or attending to their respective intellectual or industrial property records, made official in the corresponding area.

    For the purposes of this Legal Act, the original and/or authentic creations that Mauro Rojas has generated or remains generating, are eternally assigned to his absolute dominion of Intellectual and Industrial Property under the Self-sovereignty Regime.

    Due to its SEIZED quality, the Intellectual and Industrial Property registration model established for global application, from and by any entity linked to the corporate governance system, whether from the United Nations System, or through WIPO, SENADI, and other agencies and institutions related to intellectual property matters and linked to the corporate governance system, in Ecuador as in the rest of planet Earth, including any kind of global regulations established under those mechanisms or by said entities, lose moral and legal power to indicate guidelines or establish conditions regarding intellectual property, therefore, its regulations and procedures enter a status of LEGAL SUBORDINATION with respect to this Legal Act and the establishment and implementation of the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION.

    This legal treatment must be complied with and by every organization established under the corporate governance system or in connection with said system, and its effectiveness must be guaranteed on a global scale immediately.

    As the construction and implementation of this AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION progresses, Mauro Rojas keeps developing the necessary mechanisms to regulate and protect his Intellectual and Industrial Property, which are often announced through his official channels on the Internet.

    ➜ GROUP 4: Personalized profiles, accounts, and environments for Mauro Rojas' individual use and for commercial purpose in the global digital space.

    Granting multidimensional integrity to this legal act, from the exercise of his full powers and legitimate rights, the activities that Mauro Rojas carries out in the digital scenario, as well as his direct presence, both on platforms he owns and on external digital platforms that he uses to communicate, manage, publish, distribute, and market his assets, as well as the assets managed from the trademarks created and owned by him, are an authentic intervention of his exclusive individual dominion, supported by his legal status and the absolute materialization of his full rights.

    To guarantee due clarity in the application of this standard, Mauro Rojas formulates a structure made up of three (3) categories:

    1. Platforms under Official Jurisdictional Dominion in Self-Sovereign Autonomy. These platforms correspond to official headquarters created to manage the Origin Informaction origin of assets that Mauro Rojas develops to share and promote his values, as well as to implement commercial activities. This category includes websites and mobile applications that are part of his property and are used to manage his public image, configure his laws, and develop business through the trademarks under his dominion and of his Intellectual and Industrial Property. These digital spaces have a legal framework linked to AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION, and their access, operation and implementation must NEVER be restricted, plagiarized, attacked, operating with effective protection of their Internet hosting. Their open accessibility anywhere on the Earth must be guaranteed;

    2. External Institutional Platforms. These platforms are used for managing procedures with the institutions and agencies of the legally-extinct REPÚBLICA DEL ECUADOR CORPORATION and the agencies of the Banking System. The access and use of these platforms for the full exercise of Mauro Rojas' rights must be guaranteed permanently, all documents managed through them must always remain in ACTIVE STATUS, irrefutable, and permanently available for use in all areas in which Mauro Rojas decides so to execute his activities and for his full purposes to be effective. Any attempt to block or restrict Mauro Rojas' access to these platforms or the documents managed through them, carried out by direct, indirect action or omission, will be taken into consideration to apply the corresponding legal actions to ensure the protection of his rights, also considering the possibility of demanding monetary compensation due to damage to his integrity, honor and morals, and for attacking the legitimate exercise of his full rights;

    3. External platforms for the management of Mauro Rojas' presence, for business managing and his commercial purposes. This category includes those websites, mobile applications and services integrated into them, owned by third parties, and open for public use, in which Mauro Rojas maintain permanent activity to manage his individual presence and carry out activities related to his businesses and developments, through trademarks under his dominion and property. The use that Mauro Rojas make of these external platforms, will be linked to the legal framework implemented from his official website and from the official website created for each commercial brand under his dominion and property, specifying the policies related to privacy and authorship rights, to regulate with the required transparency the use of all types of content and information in the profiles and accounts managed on said platforms.

    As the implementation of the AUTONOMOUS CIVIL JURISDICTION materializes, Mauro Rojas maintains the necessary means to regulate and protect the assets integrated into this Dominion and Property structure under the Self-Sovereign regime. These mechanisms will be announced subsequently through his official website and the official websites of each trademark under his Ownership and Authority.

    Any act that threatens the legitimate exercise of your rights through the use and personal benefit of any of the assets mentioned in this chapter, in accordance with its specifications in the already established structure, integrating:

    1. Substantial Contractual Assets;
    2. Contractual Assets for Business Management;
    3. Intellectual creations under Industrial Property Dominion of Mauro Rojas in Self-Sovereignty Regime;
    4. Personalized profiles, accounts, and environments for Mauro Rojas' individual use and for commercial purpose in the global digital space.

    will be subject to the immediate response of Mauro Rojas through legal actions using all available legal mechanisms, before the International Courts if the case warrants it, without ruling out the possibility of demanding monetary compensation for the damage caused to his integrity, honor and morals, and for attacking the legitimate exercise of his full rights.

    05. Digital Accounts and/or URLs declared UNDER FULL PROTECTION in this Legal Act

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution and to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    ACCOUNTS of Mauro Rojas:

    ACCOUNTS of Eonminu®:

    ACCOUNTS of Crónica Imaginaria [Trademark from the catalog of Eonminu®]:

    ACCOUNTS of ONOFFON [Trademark from the catalog of Eonminu®]:

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution, to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    06. Invalid Obligations

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution, to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    07. Validation and Effective Execution

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution, to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    08. Updates and Annex

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution, to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    09. Effective implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction

    For the proper activation of this Legal Transition Execution, to support and guarantee the legitimate exercise of Mauro Rojas' full rights during the implementation of the Autonomous Civil Jurisdiction, the following public accounts contained in external digital platforms must remain in ACTIVE STATUS:

    If you have questions about this Legal Structure, please send your comments with the subject "MORE INFO ABOUT LEGAL STRUCTURE" to the email address:

    This Public Release was created and published between March and April 2023. Updated in April 2024.